Raw Virgin Cork Floats
All of the floats made at Schebler Carb Parts are made from raw virgin cork wood directly from the outer layer of the tree. Cork comes from a specific tree called Quercus Suber.
The cork wood is flattened and then cut into floats. We use specific tools to create the Schebler Carburetor Floats to ensure they are as original.
There are many benefits of using our floats made from raw virgin cork wood for carburetor floats verses competitors floats made of other materials. Raw Virgin Cork Wood lasts for years and will not deteriorate with ethanol or other liquids. Other cork materials like boards or processed corks are made of a binder and granulated cork pieces. During use in gasoline, they will deteriorate in your carburetor. Further, the binder adversely affects buoyancy, keeping the float from properly regulating fuel levels.
The cork we use is very similar to the high quality wine and alcohol bottle stoppers (ethanol), used for years with the best leakproof, long-lasting design and quality.
We take pride in providing superior, as original, Schebler Carburetor cork floats.